Year 5 – Jaguars

Autumn term 2024


Our class text is Who Let the Gods Out? by Maz Evans. We will use this text to develop our reading skills and as inspiration for our writing lessons. We will learn to write a narrative based on the story and we will also learn to write a balanced argument about detentions, based on the main character, Elliot, who has to endure an after-school detention with his nemisis, Mr Boil!


In maths, we will be developing our place value, addition and subtraction skills, working with numbers up to 1,000,000.


Mrs Barnes is teaching us science and the first topic is ‘animals including humans’.


Miss Copp will also be teaching us French and we will be creating our own French monster pets!


In history, we will be learning about Roman Britain and developing our understanding about the impact that the Romans made on the history of our country.


In art, we are learning about LS Lowry. Using a variety of sketching techniques and mediums, we will be drawing a self-portrait in the style of Lowry.

After that, we will learn about a new artist: Rousseau. We will explore different painting techniques, using Russeau as our inspiration.


We will be developing our cooking skills in DT by making bread! We will research different types of bread (yum!) and then create a design brief ready to make Challah bread.


In PE, we will be extending our skills in netball, hockey and dance.


Our music skills will reach new heights as we develop our remixing and looping understanding across different genres of music, including clasical, jazz and pop. We will also create percussive rhythms with our bodies!


Our key question in RE is ‘What does it mean if Christians believe God is holy and loving?’

We will explore how Christians maintain a relationship with God.


‘Family and relationships’ is our first topic in PSHE and we will begin by considering good qualities in friends and how we would aim to be a good friend.


In computing, we will develop our understanding of online safety so that we know how to navigate the internet safely and we will also explore uses of search engines.


‘Climate zones and flooding’ will be our first topic in geography.

We will learn about the different climate zones across the globe and learn what to do in the case of a flood.

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