Wider Curriculum

Each subject within our wider curriculum has a carefully thought out journey of progression. This progression encompasses the knowledge, skills and key concepts that relate to each subject and unit being studied. Content within the school’s curriculum is taken directly from the national expectations, set out in The National Curriculum (2014).

This content is carefully sequenced to ensure that prior knowledge is taught and embedded before moving on. Teachers skilfully revisit and consolidate past learning before moving on.

At the beginning of each unit, children are assessed on their understanding of the key concepts and knowledge they will be covering; by doing this, teachers can carefully adapt planning to the needs of pupils.

Once the teaching sequence has been completed, the children are again assessed on the key concepts and knowledge to identify progress and areas of learning that need further consolidation.

Children may also be given a deeper thinking assessment that is open-ended and relies on the children drawing on the knowledge acquired in the lessons from the unit; teachers have flexibility in strategies for recording this assessment, so that other areas of learning are not a barrier to a child expressing their understanding in the subject discipline being studied.

Each subject has a clear rationale and curriculum route, that clearly lays out the reasoning behind the sequencing of content.

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