Honeybourne Nursery takes children aged from 2 to 4 years.
We offer a caring, safe, learning environment where your child will be happy, nurtured and encouraged to grow, develop and achieve their potential.
Waiting List
Our waiting list is managed in order of date of receiving the registration form and requested start date. However, priority will be given to children who have or have had siblings at Honeybourne Nursery. We will also give consideration to the number of sessions required and ensure they are appropriate for the individual child.
Nursery Sessions
Honeybourne Nursery is open term time only from 8:30am to 3pm, with flexible start and finish times and half or full day sessions.
Our morning start times are 8:30am, 8:45am or 9am.
Our changeover time for morning or afternoon sessions is 11:45am.
Our finish times are 2:45pm or 3pm.
Parents may choose their sessions, subject to availability, our staffing ratios and the needs of the children.
Sessions may be funded using 2 year old or 3 & 4 year old Nursery Education Funding, which may be split with another childcare setting.
Additional hours can be paid for, subject to availability.
If a family is not in receipt of any Government funding, then sessions are chargeable.
Fees will be paid by bank transfer, by childcare vouchers or through a Government Tax Free Childcare account.
The Nursery is registered for Tax Free Childcare. If you wish to use this, please register for an account at: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Fees are reviewed termly, and parents given half a term’s notice of any changes.
These fees do not include nappies, wipes and nappy sacks, which must be provided by parents, where appropriate.
Options will be discussed prior to your child starting Nursery.
Full fees remain payable when:
- Children take holiday during term-time
- When a child is absent due to sickness, or any other reason.
There are no charges for closure due to:
- Full Nursery closure.
- Inset days or Bank Holidays.
- Unforeseen circumstances e.g. flooding, severe weather conditions etc.
- We will either refund any payment on your next invoice or offer additional
sessions where spaces allow
To find out more about fees or to arrange a visit, please contact the Nursery Manger, Kate Drew on 07596 862732 or ksd24@honeybourne.worcs.sch.uk.
Useful Documents
- Childcare Funding Information for parents of 2 year olds
- Childcare Funding Information for parents of 3 and 4 year olds
- Tax Free Childcare
Please visit our Policies page for our full Nursery Admissions Policy.