Year 3 – Gorillas

Welcome to Gorillas class! Our class team consists of Miss Morison (Class Teacher) and Mrs Perkins (Classroom Support Professional).


In English we are currently exploring the book ‘Leon and the Place Between’. We will be working towards writing a narrative from a character perspective as well as looking at repeated word poetry. We will be revisiting our learning around using paragraphs, writing in the past tense, adverbials of time, and using expanded noun phrases to make our writing entertaining for the audience.

In reading, we will continue to learn about the Key Stage 2 Reading Content Domains and applying those to Leon and the Place Between.


In Maths this half term, we are currently learning about place value, using concrete resources to represent, partition, compare and order numbers up to 1000.

In Science, we are looking at plants and animals including humans.

In DT, we will be learning about making soups, including how to make soups on a budget.

In Art, we will be exploring the artist David Gentleman and creating landscapes using watercolours in the style of David Gentleman.

In PE, we will be building our skills in football, including how to defend and attack. We will also be undertaking swimming lessons during this term, developing our confidence with a range of strokes!

In Computing, we will be learning about computer networks.

In RE, we will be learning about Christianity, specifically what do Christians learn from the creation story.

In French, we will be introduced to French greetings.

In PSHE, we will be looking at families and relationships.